I am very pleased to announce today that Chem Flowtronics is 69 years old today, which equates to 25,203 days, 3600 weeks and 3 days or 2,177,539,200 seconds old (2.7 billion)!
I wish I had a dollar for every second this company is old but I digress.
Using the same logic lets look at today’s political arena / circus, where politicians use the words Billion and Million as if they are synonymies with each other, so I thought I would give you some perspective as to the differences, lets use telling time to prove my point,
1 Million seconds is how long? Answer 11.57 Days!
1 Billion seconds is how long? Answer 31.7 YEARS!
I guess it is insignificant when the budgets are in the Trillions.
Another time fact, do you know how long a Light year is (the amount of miles light travels in space in a vacuum)
Its a mere 5,878,000,000,000 miles or 5.8 trillion miles. Who figures this stuff out and who’s going to argue.
Time has also changed Chem Flowtronics from a regional support manufacturer into a flexible, creative, and pro-active, highly motivated, supplier of process equipment worldwide!
Our sales teams have been traveling through most of the world’s industrial centers such as England, Ireland,India, Northern and southern China, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, continental USA, along with Americas.
Time has become of big issue for our customers with more and more expedited delivery requirements, and I am happy to report Chem Flowtronics has stepped up to the plate to be pro-active and has reduced our leads times significantly for all of major product groups. We have achieve our goals by heavily investing in newest design CNC machines, internal process studies, and by applying basic Sigma-Six discipline to the many processes which occur on a daily bases.
With all this discussion about time I have a few personal suggestions,
- Do not take time we have for granted
- Live every day as though its your last
- Smile to everyone we meet
- And most importantly, Do not count the days, make the days count!